Taxpayer software

Taxpayer software

Blog Article

Sina Pardashash taxpayer software Registering and sending invoices in the financial system is one of the main concerns for companies and economic operators. It is possible to send invoices to Modian system for natural and legal persons through trusted companies and Modian software By using Modian Sinapardash software, it is possible to easily register and send invoices. Taxpayer software has many features that are fully explained in the below sections.

Sina Processing is a publisher of financial and administrative software

An electronic invoice is actually an invoice that taxpayers issue through taxpayer software or trusted companies, these invoices have a unique tax code.

Invoices sent through Modian software can be seen in the work folder after successful submission and registration, and it is possible to approve or reject this invoice for the buyer through Modian system. In short, we can say that the electronic invoice is the official sales invoice with value added tax that is registered in the system

However, as explained in the article on the Tax Payer System, the Tax Payer System or the Tax File works as the final authority for managing, issuing and querying taxpayers' electronic invoices. In the taxpayer system, each taxpayer has a specific folder

that the exchange of information between the taxpayer and the tax affairs organization is done only through this folder. Taxpayers can view all their financial and tax information in the work folder and while following the tax processes, they can also submit their requests to the organization through this work folder. In fact, the work of the folder is known as the taxpayer's communication portal with the country's tax affairs organization.

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